Ekhart Wycik

„...Ekhart Wycik’s punchy, pungent conducting. Fun from first note to last.“ 
The Times, London/UK


Ekhart Wycik - einer der vielseitigsten Dirigenten seiner Generation - gern gesehener Gast am Pult vieler deutscher und internationaler Orchester - über 800 dirigierte Abendvorstellungen und Konzerte - über 70 Musiktheaterwerke - umfangreiches Konzertrepertoire vom Barock bis zum XXI. Jahrhundert - erfahrener Dirigent und Kommunikator - sensibler Begleiter - souveräner, kompetenter Einspringer - - -

Ekhart Wycik - one of the most versatile conductors of his generation - a welcome guest at the podium of many German and international orchestras - over 800 conducted evening performances and concerts - over 70 music theatre works - broad symphonic repertoire conducted in concert from the Baroque to the XXI century - empathic conductor and communicator - sensitive accompanist - confident, competent stand-in - - -

Ekhart Wycik - uno dei direttori d'orchestra più versatili della sua generazione - ospite gradito sul podio di molte orchestre tedesche e internazionali - oltre 800 spettacoli serali e concerti diretti - più di 70 opere di teatro musicale - ampio repertorio sinfonico dal Barocco al XXI secolo - direttore e comunicatore esperto - accompagnatore sensibile - Acquisizione a breve termine sicura e competente - - -


March 6, 2022
Penderbayne Der dritte Raum (WP) - Poulenc Double Concerto - Shostakovich 5th Symphony D minor | New Philharmonic Orchestra
Munich/Germany, Herkulessaal

Jumping in on very short note, Ekhart Wycik conducted the World première of Samuel Penderbayne's composition "The third way", the rarely performed Double concerto for two pianos and orchestra by Francis Poulenc, and Dmitri Shostkovitch's epic 5th Symphony in Munich's Herkulessaal.

April 27, 2023
April 28, 2023
Johann Strauß: Die Fledermaus
CC Weimarhalle - Weimar, Germany

Johann Strauß' famous operetta in a semi-staged production of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar. New, hilarious dialogues of Paul Kohlmann and  Noel Luther. Solists: Singers of the Department of Vocal Studies and Theatre, University Orchestra of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar


December 2, 2023
Göttingen, Scheddachhalle

Evening... come to rest... enjoy the moment... let your soul spread its wings... experience pearls of classical music, sensitively interpreted by the Göttingen Symphony Orchestra... and all this lively moderated with exciting background information. Ekhart Wycik, internationally active conductor, and the strings of the GSO invite you to the opening evening with Elgar's wistful and melancholy String Serenade and Dvořák's melodious counterpart. Pure pleasure! In the centre, a five-minute ‘speed date’ with Witold Lutoslawski's lively and highly energetic Ouverture for Strings. And who knows - maybe there'll be a little encore that you're all sure to recognise?

April 26, 2024
May 5, 2024
Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro
Studio theatre Belvedere, University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar/Germany

Mozart's timeless Masterpiece in a production of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar, directed by Andrea Raabe, Karlsruhe. - Solists: Singers of the Department of Vocal Studies and Theatre, University Orchestra of the University of Music FRANZ LISZT Weimar

May 12, 2024
Springtime in Vienna and Paris | Cathrin Lange, Soprano | Jena Philharmonic Orchestra
Volkshaus Jena

Works by Jules Massenet, Claude Debussy, Erik Satie, Gabriel Fauré, Joh. Strauß, Franz Lehár and Robert Stolz.  Cathrin Lange, Soprano

February 26, 2025
Schleswig-Holstein State Symphony Orchestra | Flensburg, Deutsches Haus
Coleridge-Taylor | Ballade for Orchestra - Khanmammadov | Concerto for Tar (GP) - Higdon | Skyline (GP) - Schubert | "Unfinished" Symphony

A timeless, unusual masterpiece, two German Premières, and the musical exploration of identity and cosmopolitanism - the concept of this concert focusses on different aspects of the same thing: humanity.

Samuel Coleridge Taylor, British composer of colour, became a leading cultural figure for African-Americans as early as the 19th century. - US composer Jennifer Higdon's powerful "Skyline  (2002) is the vibrant opening mouvement of the energetic Concerto for Orchestra "City Scape". - The solo work of the evening is the brillant concerto for the Georgian national instrument Tar, composed in 1997 by Haji Khanmammadov. Both previous works are German premières. - Franz Schubert's soulful Romantic two-mouvement symphony is by no means ‘unfinished’, as the epithet suggests, but a perfect masterpiece as it is.

May 8, 2025
Benjamin Britten, War Requiem
University of Music FRANZ LISZT, Weimar/Germany

One of the most remarkable oratorios of the XX. century, a remarkable confluence between England's greatest composer and one of its greatest poets, "Britten's War Requiem" counts among the most touching pieces in the repertoire. Britten's impressive composition is an urgent admonition to us, the living, to practice peacefulness and strive for reconciliation between peoples.

June 6, 2025
Sofia Radio Symphony Orchestra | Liya Petrova, violin
Kandov | Music for Orchestra - Prokofiev | 1st Violin concerto - Rachmaninov | Symphonic Dances

Aleksandar Kandov's Music for Orchestra (1985) - a powerful example of contemporary Bulgarian classical music, rich in colours and full of iridescent music. -  Sergey Prokofiev's 1st violin concerto is one of the great masterpieces of XX. century solo concertos. - Rachmaninov's Symphonic Dances: a brillant and expressive diabolic showpiece for a great orchestra - fun for audiences and performers likewise! - The Bulgarian-born violinist Liya Petrova is a First Prize Winner at the International Carl Nielsen Violin Competition in Denmark. Internationally acclaimed, she is regular guest with the leading orchestras in Europe.

Masterclass | Publications

November 18
November 21, 2021
Masterclass Conducting Campus Dirigieren
University of Music, Frankfurt Main/Germany
March 26
April 1, 2023
allegra Masterclass Orchestral Conducting
February 24
March 1, 2024
allegra Masterclass Orchestral Conducting
November 19
November 21, 2024
Opera Workshop | Puccini TRITTICO | University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna/Austria
- for enrolled students only -
January 25
January 29, 2025
Masterclass German Opera | Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi | Milano/Italy
- for enrolled students only -
March 2
March 8, 2025
allegra Masterclass Orchestral Conducting


Shostakovitch | Symphony No 5 D minor
Beethoven | Fidelio



Ekhart Wycik

Paul-Schneider-Str. 10

99423 Weimar, Germany


Konzert-Direktion Hans Adler

Auguste-Viktoria-Straße 64

14199 Berlin

Mrs Sylvia Schmitz